Ultrasonic car sound insulation cotton welding machine
Ultrasonic car sound insulation cotton welding machine
Ultrasonic car sound insulation cotton welding machine
Automotive decorative strip hot melt riveting point welding machine
Automotive gear frame plastic hot melt riveting machine
Fully automated ultrasonic welding machine
Ultrasonic welding technology is a kind of high-tech, ultrasonic welding is mainly used in the welding of thermoplastic materials. Ultrasonic welding has the advantages of high efficiency, high precision, low cost, no additives, etc., so it has been favored by many manufacturers. Although the use of ultrasonic plastic welding machines has many advantages, there will …
What should I do if the ultrasonic machine does not have sound waves? Read More »
In the field of advertising, what are the practical functions of the illuminated word installation converter? The converter is a device that converts a signal into another signal, and the simple point is to transform the model on our different devices into a model that can be recognized on another device, and can read the …
What are the useful functions of the converter (illuminated word installation and use) Read More »
Applications for ultrasonic welding With the continuous development of science and technology, new welding processes are emerging in an endless stream. The current welding methods can be roughly divided into: electrode arc welding, submerged arc welding, argon arc welding, gas welding, laser welding, two-warrant welding, friction welding, ultrasonic welding, soft brazing, hard brazing. Different materials …
PPS material for ultrasonic welding applications Read More »
Portable ultrasonic spot welding machine The principle of handheld ultrasonic welding machine In the process of ultrasonic welding, the handheld ultrasonic welding machine can increase the vibration amplitude of this high-frequency vibration wave through the amplifier, and then load it into the mold, through the upper mold, the enhanced high-frequency vibration wave acts on the …
Flexible car bumper radar bracket ultrasonic punching machine First. bumper punching welding machine Introduction: This equipment adopts the use of high-strength steel as the frame, 4-6 ultrasonic welding heads at the same time up pressure welding, single welding head split control, a single welding head can be adjusted position (three-axis adjustment), the use of welding …
Car bumper punching radar bracket ultrasonic welding machine Read More »
Automotive spoiler puncture welding – multi-head ultrasonic puncture welding The ultrasonic puncture welding process is used to weld and fix the plastic components of the automobile, and the ultrasonic welding is firm and the strength meets the requirements of customers. It is more common in the welding of automotive plastic assemblies and other products, such …
Automotive ultrasonic puncture welding – sound insulation felt plastic welding Read More »
Robot ultrasonic welding machine is a highly automated ultrasonic welding equipment. The use of robots instead of manual ultrasonic welding operations is the development trend of ultrasonic welding manufacturing industry, and is an important means to improve the quality of ultrasonic welding, reduce costs and improve the working environment. As an important symbol of the …
The main ultrasonic welding process parameters include starting force, descending speed, welding time, amplitude, welding pressure, holding time and holding pressure. Most modern ultrasonic welding equipment with upgrade options also provides statistical process control (SPC) capabilities for better welding process control. With SPC, the maximum power, energy, melt collapse displacement and absolute displacement during the …
As we all know, the ultrasonic transducer is to convert the input electrical power into mechanical power and then pass it out, and it consumes a small part of the power, the following to tell you about the directivity of the ultrasonic transducer. Ultrasonic transducers have sharp directivity, which is conducive to concentrating the transmitted …
Ultrasonic cutting equipment is an ultrasonic equipment specifically designed for cutting, the principle is completely different from traditional cutting. The ultrasonic cutting machine uses the energy of ultrasonic waves to melt the local heating of the cutting material, so as to achieve the purpose of cutting the material. The characteristics of ultrasonic cutting machine do …
Ultrasonic cutting – Cutting of automotive interior parts Read More »
Amplitude is a key parameter for the material that needs to be welded, equivalent to the temperature of ferrochrome, the temperature can not reach the welding, too high temperature will make the raw material burn or lead to structural damage and the strength becomes worse. Because each company chooses a different transducer, the amplitude of …